We interviewed Selena Laurence the author of Hidden

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Selena Laurence loves to write romantic stuff that helps you get away. Life can be a grind, and things like jobs and kids and dirty dishes make Jill a dull girl – and Selena too. So, she writes about hot guys and smart girls and exotic locales to give us all an Escape from the Everyday.

1)What inspired you to write Hidden??
Hidden was a dream that I had one night. It's changed somewhat since then, but the basic story is the same. I woke up with this fully formed story in my head and had to run write stuff down before I forgot!
2)What was the hardest part to write in Hidden?Did you experience the writer's block?
The hardest part of writing any book for me is the editing/revising stage. There are so many details to keep track of, and when you've got input from several beta readers and a critique partner it can get confusing. But, I have a fabulous editor, Kristin Anders of The Romantic Editor, who helps me tie up all the loose ends, and it turns out great.

3)Is there a message in your novel that you want the readers to grasp?
 I think the two messages I want people to take away from Hidden are: don't let your mistakes determine the rest of your life, and be forgiving, both of yourself and others. It's easy when you're young to think "Oh I really messed up, that's who I am." But, we all make mistakes, you can recover and go on to be whoever you want to be.

4)Would you like to give an advice to your readers that have faced similar situations as Lyndsey?
Yes. Get help! There are people and organizations set up to help victims of domestic violence. Please contact them. Violence against women is an international problem, and the first step toward solving it is for women to recognize that they deserve to be treated respectfully by men, no matter what they've done or said or worn. One organization I'm urging readers to learn about is www.futureswithoutviolence.org.
5)What are your ~book~ plans for the future?Are you currently working on something?
 My work in progress is called Camouflaged, and it's the story of Gabe when he was a soldier in Afghanistan after Nick (the hero from Hidden) was discharged. Gabe meets a United Nations volunteer named Alexis, and some serious sparks fly, because well, he's Gabe, and she's a little spitfire (do you all know that term?). Camouflaged is a novella that will be out in October. It will be followed by Concealed, which is the continuation of Gabe and Alexis's adventures, back in the U.S. The final book in the Hiding From Love series will be Buried, and it's about some characters you'll meet in Camouflaged and Concealed.
Thanks so much for interviewing me on your site ladies!

We were honored to interview Selena as she's a very kind and smart person. Also she's very generous and she donated us a copy so we thought to organise our first giveaway. 
Go check out the giveaway :)

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