There's freedom in remembering.
Damned if I remember; damned if I don't.
Recollection beyond the horrors I already have will change me. Change us.
But what if I'm living a lie? What if everything I believe is wrong?
What if who I thought I was isn't real?
If not her, then...
Who am I?
Eddie says it doesn't matter, but deep down, I'm terrified it does.
I'm trapped. Held prisoner by a past I can't remember and a future that may not belong to me.
There's a light, though not at the end of the tunnel...
It's wavering in the distance, calling to me from Rumor Island.
That light, it scares me far more than darkness. Am I brave enough to confront it?
So many questions, so few answers.
I don't have a choice; the truth always finds a way to the surface.
Finally learning who I truly am will be a permanent life sentence.
Total punishment or absolute amnesty.

I was so anxious and nervous to see what will happen in Amnesty and I wanted answers.This book took me by surprise since so many things happening that I wasn't expecting them!
Eddie and Amnesia's story is unique,intense and full of surprises.They are super cute,sweet and they love each other hard.They are perfect for each other.
The writing was amazing and the concept brilliant.If you are looking for an unforgettable and unique story ,you should definitely read it!
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