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About the Author:
Annika Martin is a NYT bestselling author who enjoys writing dirty stories about dangerous criminals! She loves helping animals and kicking snow clumps off the bottom of cars around the streets of Minneapolis, and in her spare time she writes as the RITA award-winning author Carolyn Crane.

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Dark Mafia Prince is the perfect combination of fast paced, suspense, mystery and sensual sex scenes. I really enjoy the Mafia romance genre when it's written well, with a dark and sensual storyline I think a many readers will enjoy it.
The story starts of with two brothers Aleksio and Viktor, mafia heirs who are looking for their stolen brother and are ready to take back their kingdom. Aleksio the oldest brother probably the most broken but also has the one with the most control. He's on a mission to make those who broke he's family apart pay... slowly. When he and his childhood friend, Mira are reunited, all that craving for vengeance takes a back seat because the one thing he wants most in the world is Mira.
Aleksio's love is the dangerous kind of love that breaks all the rules. It's him killing and kidnapping as he goes after his brother. It's him pulling my hair and shoving his cock in my mouth.
I shouldn't think it's beautiful.
Alexsio's character was amazingnly intense, he's the perfect tortured hero/antihero, however you want to look at it. From the get go, you're aware of the intense feelings he has has for Mira, his feelings for her border on obsession. Yet he's also torn because they are quite frankly enemies, and he is torn between his loyalty to his family and the uncontrollable hunger he has for Mira. I also liked Mira's character although she was a little frustrating at times because of how she could only see the good in people which is probably why Aleksio loves her so much.
"I would tear apart the world looking for you." He kisses my forearm, I have the crazy sense of him as a large animal consuming me from the edges in.
I'm really excited about reading Viktor's book its obvious he looks up to his older brother but he seems like a much harder man than Aleksio, he's lost so much of the happy little boy he used to be. It makes for a really interesting story I think.
While this wasn't a very long book, it packed quite a punch. A lot happened and the story was developed enough to give the reader a little taste of the books to come without feeling rushed. If you enjoy Mafia Romance, you should definitely add this to your TBR.
The way he uses me is violent. Primitive. Demeaning. And all I can think is, don't stop.
ARC kindly provided by author in return for an honest review
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