Arc review: His Only Wife by Melissa Brown

Thursday, March 26, 2015
I didn’t think I’d ever want to devote my life to someone. That is, until Brin. I was twenty-six years old the day she entered my life, just when I’d given up hope, just when I’d given up completely on having any shred of happiness in my pathetic excuse for a life.
After years of indecision, self destruction and soul-searching, she found me. Brinley challenged everything I thought I knew. She proved that goodness could still come from that hellish compound. Goodness, bravery and love. She changed everything the moment she knocked on the door of my apartment, acting as brave as a lion, even though she was shaking like a terrified mouse stuck in my trap. And now, three years later, I want her as my wife. My only wife. Till death do us part. Just us. And I’ve never wanted anything more.

pre-order paperback: AMAZON



Such a beautiful and sweet novella!!I think if it’s possible this series just keeps getting better!!Now I can't wait for Aspen's story!It was nice seeing that Porter and Brinley are together and still strangle with their lives together.

In this novella you can see that both characters has grown and changed. As for me, the previous book was one of my favorites it was nice to see how things are now after three years where the previous left us!
I must say how much I love these characters.As a couple their so sweet and you can feel their love for each other.

It is true that Melissa is so talented with her writing!I love reading whatever she writes!I highly recommend this series and guarantee if you read them, one thing is for sure, you are going to think about them forever.


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