There are a million reasons why I should stay away from Vincent Cesare.
This was supposed to be temporary. I was supposed to deal for his illegal card games and get some quick cash. That was it. I wasn’t supposed to fall for him.
Little by little, I see the monster grinning at me through the cracks in his pretty suit. He won't tell me what he does, and I'm not sure I want to know. The darkness in his eyes terrifies me. He's seduced me into his web of lies with his charm, and now I'm trapped in his life. He's taken control over me without me even realizing...or resisting.
I'm in way over my head.
He promised that nothing would ever happen to me. The Vittorio family wants me dead and there's only one person I can turn to. But what scares me is what I'll have to do.
3 Stars

About The Story
High Stakes by Vanessa Waltz is a pretty decent read, I love Mafia Romance, it doesn't have to be dark, the book just has to engage me. Adriana and Vincent were very original characters in my opinion. Adriana being the struggling college student, who has a dark past and also happens to be a kleptomaniac. Vincent, a captain in the Mafia, he specialises in illegal gambling. The games can be held at any given venue, from an upscale hotel to a seedy rundown building in a bad neighbourhood.
Before I give you my thoughts, I think I should tell you a little bit more about Adriana. Like I said, she's a struggling college student, she happens to like stealing not because she needs the stuff she steals but because she can't help it. She also happens to be a pretty good card dealer, she supports her leech of a mother. Ironically her mother seems to suffer from a hoarding problem, obviously the apple does not fall too far from the tree in this case. Adriana's father was murdered in front of her when she was younger, which has given her emotional scars.
Now to the part where she and Vincent meet, Adriana's friend convinces her to go out (Adriana is not a very social person) one night, spread her wings so to speak. Jackie, who is her friends cousin takes them to an illegal game, and what do you know, the host is Vincent. One of the dealers for the game called in sick and Adriana ends up filling in. And there you are, this is how she and Vincent meet. She's instantly attracted to him, while he seems not to notice or care.
What'd I Think Of All Of This?
While both character were fresh, and original, something was definitely missing in this book. Apart from reading about Adriana's relationship with her mother, and about her and Vincent's budding romance and some conflict here and there, not much happened in this book. The story lacked intensity, it was predictable and while I don't mind predictability, I do need intensity. I really didn't feel Vincent and Adriana's connection, Adriana was clingy at times, and I really don't understand when Vincent began liking/loving her. It felt like he was only going after her because he could. Perhaps this book should have had a dual POV.
And then there are some issues that were abandoned in this book. I feel like there should be a second book but it doesn't look like there will be.
This is a three star review but it sounds negative, but I did like this story. The sex scenes were scorching hot, and it takes a lot to rile me up... Trust me. Yes it was predictable but had the author elaborated in some parts, the story would have been more exciting. I'm not a demanding reader, but I do like detail. And lastly the ending, I love a good HEA but this one was abrupt, I honestly feel like there should be a second book, perhaps in Vincent's POV, a continuation of the story.
My Favourite Quotes
"What is it you want?"
"Complete control..." the fingers stroking my arm squeeze.
"Over you."
"Will you hurt me?"
He grins at my fear. Maybe he really is a monster.
"I'll take it easy on you."
I've never felt this safe in my life. When I'm with him, I'm not afraid of the dark.
He is the dark.
ARC kindly provided by author in return for an honest review
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