""Are you sure?" "I have cookies."
"Yeah, and I made them.I'm quite the baker."

Amazing!!!I loved it so much!It was beautiful, emotional and at many parts hilarious!!I didn't want to finished reading it, the story was so addictive!And the part about the cookies...omg :)) It was hilarious!!!I will definately eat Cam's cookies!!!
The book starts with Avery who was seeking a new life and she goes from Texas in a college to West Virginia.Something bother her from her past..so she she's introvert.But things will change when literally crashed in a handsome boy in the first day to school...

Cam is opposite of Avery!He is very communicative and everybody knows him..when he meets Avery he wants to date her...
“You want to say yes, but you’re just not ready.”
My jaw dropped.
“It’s okay.” His grin turned cocky. “I’m a lot to handle, but I can assure you, you’ll have fun handling me.”
He has to wate a lot until she finally accepts his offer :) The chemistry between them was so sweet and hilarious!I absolutely loved them together!!Cam is exactly what Avery needs!What I loved more about their relationship was that first they start as friends and then they fell in love and it was so real!! *sigh* Cam showed all his emotions,something that we don't see often in male characters!

The story wasn't something that I haven't read before,however Jennifer's writing was amazing that made it unique!
Avery was sweet,funny,charming and smart!There were moments that she irritated me but in general I liked her!Cam,Cam,Cam....omg I loved him!!!He was amazing!He is definately one of my top book boyfriends!He was so adorable,hot,sweet,funny and so patient with Avery!I think he is exactly what a girl needs!

If you are a fan of Jennifer and you like slow building friendships that blossoms in a relationships then this is exactly what you need!!I'm looking forward to read the second book!!
As for Cam's book,I'm not sure yet if I will read it because I had said that I will not read again this type of books with the different POV but honestly I can't resist another book with Cam <333
Please give me more Cam *sigh* :)))
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