"You wanna know something?"
"I'm crazy in love with you." (Caleb)
(And I'm so in love with you Caleb *sigh* :))) )
What a lovely book!I really enjoed it!OMG how much I missed Caleb and Jane!!They're one of my favorite couples!I loved them in Jane's Melody and I adored them in Jane's Harmony!What I loved more about this series is that both books where so realistic!!
"You know something, Caleb,
I never new I could be so in love with anyone in all my life."

Like all the couples Jane and Caleb have to deal with different situations..The book begins where the previous left us, with Jane arrival to Austin to be with Caleb.And it isn't easy for her at the beginning!She left her comfortable life to stay in a small place.Caleb goes to Austin to follow his dream!And now finally he has an opportunity to appear on a reality TV show in LA.

Caleb is such a sweethart!!I love him so much!!!He cares for Jane and he tries to show it with every possible way!He makes whatever it needs to make her happy!!He is so in love with her!!He is so cute!!!I hope that still there are men like him somewhere in the world!!In this book we saw his character to developed!
Jane was funny and she doesn't give up to try to find a job!What I loved more about her is the fact that she always trusted Caleb and never doubted his faith on herand also the fact she was so happy to help Caleb with his dream was adorable!!I think this couple has the perfect relationship that all the girls want!
And if you think there aren't hot moments then you are wrong!!Wow this book is really hot!!!These characters except of be so sweet together they are so passionate too!!
I will miss these characters...I loved Ryan's writing,he done an amazing job!!!I hope soon we have a new story from him!
Thank you so much Ryan and Atria books <33
Jane's Melody : REVIEW
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