4 Creepy Stalker Stars!!!
If he had a shred of honor left in him, he would tell her to run for the hills, tell her that if she made the mistake of believing in him she would most certainly be hurt. And that he would leave her to bleed because he'd been bleeding so long he didn't see any other way...
I can't tell you how much I love it when the hero was slighted in some way and now want revenge at the heroines detriment! Although in this case the hero John Daly's father was sent to jail for a crime he didn't commit, he was proven guilty for killing Hanna Duncan's mother. When John receives a letter saying that his father is possibly not guilt, he sets out to prove his father's innocence. He's determined to succeed no matter the cost. He sets out to get as close as possible to the victims daughter Hanna Duncan so he can find out exactly what happened the night her mother was killed.
He doesn't plan on falling in love with her. Ever since Hanna's mother was killed, she lived her life constantly struggling to feel loved and accepted by her father. Plagued by her mother's brutal death, she's learnt to not let anyone too close. When John pushes his way into her life, she's annoyed and attracted to the intense man. When she start receiving presents from an unknown admirer and when they realise that that her mother received the same presents, John comes to the rescue. For some reason proving his father's innocence has come secondary to Hanna's safety...
My Thoughts
Son Of The Enemy is a gripping and fast paced story. As the reader I didn't have to wait till the end to find out who the stalker was, I new who it was about halfway through the book. which was great because I love it when a book makes me want to shake the characters and wake them up so that they can see that the villain is right in front of their eyes!
My only complaint is that I wish John had been more alpha and that Hanna had been less of a bitch toward him! Otherwise this was a really good book, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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