4 Sweetly Romantic Stars!
Always You is a story about acceptance and love in the guise of a teacher student romance. It's a quietly romantic book about two people who are so alike and so compatible if it wasn't for the fact that Dalton is Wrenn's teacher. Personally I don't think that the student teacher relationship was the focus of this story it was more of an obstacle. The characters new they shouldn't be together, they weren't together because of the thrill it gave them.
Unlike most stories in this genre there wasn't a lot of angst and conflict. What I mean by that is it was bearable, I could handle it and I didn't get annoyed. I do not enjoy overly angsty books.

Wrenn lives with her aunt, who is the headmistress at an all girls school. She also happens to be a student at this school and is shunned by the other students mainly because she doesn't come from money and because she's the headmistress' niece. The reason for her staying with her aunt is a mystery to the students.
With the arrival of the young and very handsome temporary teacher she feels drawn to him and is thrilled when it seems he might feel the same.

When Dalton sees Wrenn, he feels the connection but won't act on it because he won't jeopardise his career. When they finally give in to their attraction he finds that he can't bear to let her go and neither can she. But he has a secret that threatens the relationship they both hold so dear.
Final Thoughts
Always you was a sweet read, but also very sad. The ending was unexpected and a "real life happy ending" I did take one star off, because I felt Dalton and Wrenn's relationship felt "insta-lovish" which felt wrong for this particular story. In this case I would have wanted more contact between the two characters before some things were said.
The End
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