5 heartbreaking Stars!


I've still got this ache in my heart after read this book. I just cried for the last 10% of this book. It was so raw, so absolutely believable. Alix and Nick got their happy ending but it wasn't pretty or glossed over, it was filled with heartache, pain, loss and just so much grief.
Have you ever read a book where the characters emotions become your own? This book did that for me, I was stripped bare and left feeling like a shivering puddle of pain, laughter, frustration, love and I'm going to say it again more pain.
Alix French was this girl who grew up never questioning the love that was so freely given by her family, so when she met Alix who at 10 years old had become cold and distant to the rest of the world because he lived a loveless life. She immediately took him under her wing and made it her life's purpose to show him love.
No one should have to go through life with only half a heart
Instead she learnt a different love, deeper never ending and timeless. There was just so much depth in this book at first it seems as if Alix and Nick's relationship is doomed from the beginning but somehow they manage to overcome the obstacles thrown in their way.
You can't turn love off like a light switch, no matter how hard you try
Even when life tore them apart they always found a way back together. Nick's love for Alix was unwavering he always loved her. But sometimes his pride and over protectiveness got in the way, but I honestly didn't blame him for any of his actions. Alix like any other young girl was at times insecure and doubtful, but like I said the characters feelings became my own, I couldn't find any fault.
You're the only one I've ever wanted, Alix, the only one I'll ever want
And finally as time passed and they found their way back to each other again, they learnt that everything isn't always what it seems. They learnt that love has many layers and needs time and patience and to be nurtured.
The core of the gum tree never changes.
The deep red wood stays true to its nature. Strong, and steady, and pure
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