My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We have declared war on any being that dares to think they can wipe us out without a fight. No matter how celestial, no matter how powerful they are, this is our home and we will fight to keep it.
So when I started reading Angelfall by Susan Ee, I wasn't sure if the book was for me. But the reviews were and are amazing so I thought I would read it, I mean what are the chances of me not liking it? So I started reading it...
I was immediately thrown into a post apocalyptic world, Penryn, her mother and her younger sister are trying to survive the after effects of the wrath the angels have wrought on earth.
So here I am reading about angels attacking and destroying the earth and I'm thinking. "Wait, aren't angels supposed to be guardians and protectors?" Well I was expecting my brain to reject this idea but the author mesmerizes you with the this story. The detailed fight scenes were spectacular the way emotion was conveyed was beautiful!
I felt their pain, hunger, helplessness and desperation.

We're ever so flawed. We're frail, confused, violent, and we struggle with so many issues. But all in all, I'm proud to be a Daughter of Man.
Penryn, has the difficult task of looking after what's left of her family in an even more difficult situation. She is a kickass heroine, she would do anything for her little sister and even for her mother who should be the one looking after them. When her sister is taken, she's determined to get her back no matter the cost!
She makes an alliance with an injured angel Raffe, he will help her get her sister back.

Raffe is gravely injured by an enemy, his sort of injury is one that defines him. He is so desperate to become whole again he agrees to help a weak girl for the chance to become whole again. On their journey he discovers that appearances are not always accurate.
Raffe is confident, strong and used to being in charge, his injury humbled him and allowed him to grow and strengthen in other ways. This made for an epic hero!
My Final Thoughts
This book was epic! My emotions were all over the place, I had so little time to read I started resenting my job and friends because of it! I really, really want the next book because I need to the rest of Penryn and Raffe's story!
I'm so glad you liked it! I read Angelfall after having read several dystopian & post-apocalyptic stories. Penryn is amazing in her intelligence, instincts, & dedication to her family. I loved Raffe and liked how they worked together. The author sucked me into this alternate fantasy/paranormal/dystopian world & made me a believer in her story. I was thrilled to see recently that the next book comes out November 19th... Thanks for reviewing this book, I hope it will draw some new readers to this amazing book.