Lovestrung. A period of time during which love is pursued, but cannot be caught. Results in pining, angst and a broken heart.
Penelope "Pippa" Montgomery is lovestrung. Her condition started thirteen years ago, when Ethan Collins came to live with her family. She was only ten, and didn’t understand what romantic love was, but she knew Ethan made her feel special.
They grew close as friends, while Pen yearned for Ethan’s attention and his love, only he never treated her as girlfriend material.
After returning home from a year of world-travel, Pen is reacquainted with Ethan. He’s still kind, gorgeous, and ready to start his career as a veterinarian. Pen’s suppressed feelings for sexy Ethan want to make themselves known and he finally seems to notice she’s not a little girl anymore. In fact, he's known that for quite some time, but he had his reasons for keeping his distance.
Can Penelope find the courage to tell Ethan how she feels about him, and will she finally break the lovestrung streak and find happiness?
There’s only one way to find out.
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This was a great story, it was light and sweet with a great romance and a little bit drama but nothing serious!It was easy to read it and it was fun!This is my first book from Karen Ferry and I can't wait to try more books!
This book explores the relationship between Penelope and Ethan over the years from when they were kids to know that they are older and we can see how things are for them.I liked their banter!
If you are looking for a fast paced and steamy read this is perfect !
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