The brother known as Hound has a reputation. He’s all about cracking heads, having a good time, and when the Chaos Motorcycle Club needs someone to do the tough job, they call on him.
But Hound has a secret. He fell in love with a woman years ago. She’s untouchable. Unattainable. And even when her status changes, for Hound, it remains the same.
Keely Black had it all early and lost it all not long after. Thrown into an abyss of loss and grief, she’s faced a life of raising two sons alone and battling the rage at all that had been ripped from them.
And why.
Words spoken in anger open Hound’s and Keely’s eyes. For Hound, he sees he’s wasted his life loving the wrong woman. Keely sees she’s wasting her life not opening herself to the love of a good man.
Amazon :
4,5 stars
What a beautiful story, I love this world and I love the characters.For one more time Kristen Ashley made me fall in love with her story.Wild Like the Wind is emotional and intense.

I loved Hound and Keely, my heart aching for them.Hound is such a good guy, he stole my heart and make me swoon all the time.I fall for him hard.He is the perfect alpha male.
I didn't expect anything less from Kristen Ashley.If you love her books you must read it and if you are new to her this series is fantastic.Get ready for an emotional ride!
She whirled on him, planted her hands on her slim hips and announced, “So you’re alive.”
He felt his mouth get tight and threw the door shut, but that was all he got in before she came at him, both hands up, and shoved him so hard at his chest, his entire torso rocked back.
That was when he felt his whole face get hard.
She didn’t hesitate to get up in that face and fuck him, fuck him, he felt her tits brush his chest, she was that close.
“You big jerk!” she shouted. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“Stand down, woman,” he growled.
“You haven’t dropped my check in two months, Hound.”
He couldn’t stop it.
He blinked at her and did it slow.
“You might miss a month but you never miss two,” she informed him of something he knew but thought she had not ever noticed.
“As you can see, I’m still standing,” he told her.
“I can see that. What I hear is that Chaos has got whatever trouble they’ve got with whoever took Millie and now they’re rubbing up against Bounty.”
Bounty was another MC in Denver.
They’d never had any problem with Bounty.
Now they did.
“Think you made it clear last time I saw you that you’re outta it with Chaos, so not sure how that’s your issue,” he stated.
“Uh, were you not there when the boys voted in Dutch as a recruit a month ago?”
Actually, he was on maneuvers so he had not been.
Though, since he sponsored Dutch, along with every man who’d had his patch when Black died, his official vote wasn’t really necessary.
He decided not to answer.
“I thought something had happened to you,” she said it like it was an accusation.
He put both arms up at his sides, which he thought pretty much said it all.
It did, but she was clearly not happy about the way he did it and he knew that with the way her face screwed up, all pissed.
“You drop my checks,” she declared heatedly.
“Gonna leave that duty to another man,” he told her.
“Why?” she rapped out.
“’Cause I got other shit I need to be doin’,” he replied, not the entire truth, not a full lie either.
“It’s because I was a bitch to you,” she said it, straight out.
“You didn’t say anything that wasn’t true,” he returned, and that wasn’t a lie at all.
What he left unsaid was that her saying what she’d said sucked dick.
“I was upset,” she explained herself.
“That didn’t go unnoticed,” he shared.
“Don’t be an asshole, Hound,” she snapped, and his brows went up as his temper caught.
“How’s that bein’ an asshole?” he asked.
“You’re bein’ flippant,” she told him.
He leaned toward her. “Woman, I don’t even know what ‘flippant’ means.”
“Then you need to spend more time reading books and less time doing Chaos’s wet work,” she shot back.
He leaned away and slowly drew a very long breath into his nose.
She glared at him.
When he had no verbal reaction to her remark, she looked around then back at him.
“For God’s sake, Hound, you live in a sty,” she declared.
“Got no woman to keep the place nice for, baby,” he drawled. “As you pointed out. And men don’t mind they live in a sty. It’s only women who give a fuck about that shit.”
Her eyes got squinty. “Why don’t you have a woman?”
He was not discussing this with her.
“That’s none of your fuckin’ business,” he returned.
She threw up an arm in front of her to indicate him. “You’re hot.”
He did another slow blink.
He was?
“It’s a waste,” she decreed.
She’d know about waste, all of what was her going without a man for seventeen years.
“You’re worried I don’t get my wick wet enough, Keely, you can mark that off your list of things you shouldn’t stick your nose into in the first place. I get what I need. I just don’t keep it.”
“Why not?” she asked.
“You obviously won’t feel this way, but you don’t know me so I’ll educate you that for a guy like me, you give it enough time to get time in, snatch becomes a drag and no man needs anything draggin’ on him.”
“You did not just say that to me,” she bit out.
“Jesus, woman,” he boomed, looked side to side and back to her. “You’re the one stormed in here, gettin’ up in my face and my space, puttin’ your hands on me, stickin’ your nose in shit that’s not yours to have. What’s your problem?”
“You bring me my checks,” she declared.
“Not anymore,” he fired back.
“You bring me my checks,” she demanded.
He leaned again toward her.
“Not anymore,” he snarled.
And then, Jesus, fuck…
She was on him.
She was all over him.
Plastered down his front, hands clenched hard in his hair yanking his head down to hers, she had her mouth to his and her tongue in his mouth.
God, nectar.
Fuck, heaven.
He ripped his mouth from hers, planted a hand in her chest and shoved her back a lot harder than he’d ever touch any woman (or any woman who had not done Chaos wrong) so she reeled away five paces.
He couldn’t apologize.
He needed to draw a line.
For her.
For him.
For her boys.
For Chaos.
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