Today we have the blog tour for TESORO by Nicole Banks, a complete standalone you are not going to want to miss out on! Get your copy today!

Tommy worked hard to establish a life outside of his father’s legacy. Son to the infamous Delucia family, he’s the heir to a throne he doesn’t want. As loyalties keep pulling him back in, he struggles to obtain a clean break. Becoming a new man is just out of arm’s reach. Naila is a sassy, headstrong entrepreneur with businesses in the Delucia territory. A chance meeting between the two has Tommy questioning everything about his life and what his future holds. As circumstances keep putting them in each other’s paths, the two can’t deny the building chemistry between them. As passions ignite, so does the tension surrounding the Delucia family, catching them both in the crosshairs of an all-out war. When the dust settles, there’s only one question remaining: how deep are they willing to go?Buy Now
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3,5-4 stars
This is the first time I'm reading a book from this author and I'm glad I had the opportunity because it has great potentials. The reason I picked this book is because it has a mafia romance which is one of the type of romance I enjoy!
The story is told from multiple points of view, which provided useful insights into all the characters and you could get how everyone was feeling! Aside from the fact that I did enjoy the characters I like the writing a lot!I loved the chemistry between the characters!A strong alpha male who could dominate and captivate a tough and sassy heroine!
Overall, it was a great story I enjoyed reading!

He was gone for her the second he saw her sitting alone at that restaurant. He had deep-seated need to get inside of her––to know her, to consume her in the way she had captured him by just breathing.
Whatever he was hit with that first night, only seemed to intensify over these past few days, like someone decided to turn the volume up on what he was feeling.
He chuckled low in his throat, when he thought about the power she already had over him. She could ask him to destroy the world, and he’d do it with ease simply because she asked.
He hit the text icon and sent a message to Naila: Make sure you have your dessert, tesoro. I’ll see you later tonight.
The phone chimed: If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to fatten me up. Lol.
Tommy: I like my women with a healthy appetite for things….food is one of them.
Naila: And what are the other ones?
Tommy: I’d much rather show you. Oh and Naila?
Naila: Yes?
Tommy: Don’t even think about playing with yourself to relieve that ache between your legs. I want that privilege, tesoro.
She didn’t respond right away. Tommy didn’t think he overstepped, but texting was a weird space for people to communicate. He’d much rather call her––to hear the exact moment her breathing changed when he told her not to touch herself. But he didn’t want to give the boys in the warehouse any hint to who he was talking to.
The phone chimed; he looked down and smiled.
Naila: I don’t like being told what to do, Tommy. You should learn that, quickly. Besides, I’ve already had my fingers inside of me, making myself cum twice. It didn’t take long, either. All I had to do was imagine my fingers were you.”
Tommy let out a pained chuckle, and all eyes shot to him. He shook his head and turned his back on Bear and the guards to give himself whatever privacy he could. He didn’t want Bear to see exactly what he was feeling written all over his face.
Tommy: What am I going to do with you, tesoro? You have my dick painfully hard, and you relieved yourself while I suffer? That’s not nice. I’ll be sure to punish you for that when I come back to you.
Naila: Promises, promises. Be careful tonight, Tommy.
Tommy: Always, tesoro.
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