Naked surfer. Habitual pothead. A con, a liar, a thief and a fraud.
Last I heard, he was extorting the rich and screwing their wives for a living.
Which is why I’m more than a little surprised to find him at my threshold, looking for my friendship, my services, and most puzzling of all—looking humbled.
Thing is, I’m on a boycott. Literally—I cut boys from my life. Permanently.
Problem is, Bane is not a boy, he is all man, and I’m falling, crashing, drowning in his sweet, perfect lies.
Jesse Carter
Hot as hell, cold as ice.
I wasn’t aware of her existence until a fat, juicy deal landed in my lap.
She’s a part of it, a little plaything to kill some time.
She is collateral, a means to an end, and a side-bonus for striking a deal with her oil tycoon stepdad.
More than anything, Jesse Carter is a tough nut to crack.
Little does she know, I have the f****** teeth for it.
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4 stars
Bane was one of my most anticipated book, from the moment I read the blurb I wanted to read it!I really liked Bane, it was an emotional read!

Bane was an interesting and complex hero.I was intrigued and I liked him a lot!I can't hide that I'm in love with all L.J. Shen's heroes!They are unique and each one of them has something to give you!Jesse is a strong heroine but for some reason I can say that I felt connected to her and this is the reason I couldn't give it 5 stars.Jesse and Bane's romance was full of angst and passion.
The writing was fantastic like in all L.J. Shen's books!If you like this series get ready to meet Bane!This is a little bit different than the previous books!
4 stars
Bane was one of my most anticipated book, from the moment I read the blurb I wanted to read it!I really liked Bane, it was an emotional read!

Bane was an interesting and complex hero.I was intrigued and I liked him a lot!I can't hide that I'm in love with all L.J. Shen's heroes!They are unique and each one of them has something to give you!Jesse is a strong heroine but for some reason I can say that I felt connected to her and this is the reason I couldn't give it 5 stars.Jesse and Bane's romance was full of angst and passion.
The writing was fantastic like in all L.J. Shen's books!If you like this series get ready to meet Bane!This is a little bit different than the previous books!

Start the Series of Standalones Today!
About LJ Shen

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