He’d never had something to himself, never even dared to dream about owning something so precious. He was the unwanted bastard son who’d always had to content himself with the leftovers of others. And now they’d given him what only a few weeks ago had been out of his reach, someone he wasn’t even allowed to admire from afar, one of their most prized possessions. Thrown at his feet because he was who he was, because they were certain he would break her. He was her punishment, a fate worse than death, a way to deliver the ultimate punishment to her father who had displeased them so greatly.
She had always been the good girl. It didn’t protect her.
She didn’t know his real name. People called him Growl to his face, and the Bastard behind his back. Both were names he couldn’t possibly have chosen for himself. His eyes were empty, a mirror to throw back her own fear at her. He was a brutal hand of the Las Vegas Camorra.
And now she was at his mercy.

I literally did not want this book to end and that's all on Cora Reilly! And yes the story wasn't perfect, yes it needed some serious editing but if I'd had to wait another few weeks or months for this book I would have exploded! So lack of editing aside this book was all greatness and the slow burn we all know Cora Reilly for!
Cara is given to Growl as a sort of spoil of war, for her it's a punishment but for Growl it's getting to have what would otherwise have never been his for the taking. While Cara fears Growl she also feels an explicable attraction towards him. Growl immediately feels possessive and protective of Cara aside from the obvious attraction.
Their relationship was purely physical at first, which I feel is just trademark for Cora Reilly. You're always wondering if the hero will ever feel more for the heroine besides possession and an intense physical attraction. Which for me is a guilty pleasure because the love creeps in slowly until he finally realizes he could never live without her.

Cara's character was pretty resilient she went from sheltered virgin to having to deal with this carnal killer called Growl. She took it in her stride and while at times she wasn't sure of her own feelings toward him she never froze up as a character.
This was a great addition to the born of blood series by Cora Reilly and I really hope she doesn't disappear on us again because I love her work! Seriously please tell me you're working on Talia's book!
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