Kacey Dawson has always lived life on the edge--impulsively, sometimes recklessly. And now, as lead guitarist for a hot up-and-coming band, she is poised at the brink of fame and fortune. But she is torn between wanting to be a serious musician, and the demons that lure her down the glittering, but alcohol-soaked path of rock stardom. A wrecked concert in Las Vegas threatens to ruin her career entirely. She wakes up with the hangover from hell and no memory of the night before, or how she ended up on her limo driver’s couch...
Jonah Fletcher is running out of time. He knows his situation is hopeless, and he's vowed to make the most of the handful of months he has left to him. His plans include seeing the opening of his glass installation at a prestigious art gallery…they do not include falling in love with a wild, tempestuous rock musician who wound up passed out on his couch.
Jonah sees that Kacey is on a path to self-destruction. He lets her crash with him for a few days to dry out and get her head on straight. But neither of them expected the deep connection they felt, or how that connection could grow so fast from friendship into something more. Something deep and pure and life-changing…something as fragile as glass, that they both know will shatter in the end no matter how hard they try to hold on to it.
Full Tilt is a story about what it means to love with your whole heart, to sacrifice, to experience terrible grief and soaring joy. To live life with all its beauty, and all its pain, and in the end to be able to smile through tears and know you wouldn’t have changed a thing.
AMAZON http://amzn.to/29bdUOr

Such a lovely book with a special story.It's one of these stories that will touch you in many ways!Full Tilt is sweet and emotional!Jonah and Kacey’s relationship is beautiful.Both found what they needed!Honestly I believe that these two were perfect for each other!Definitely an epic love!One that I'll never forget!
"You're sweet.I had no one and you gave me friendship and a place to live."
The reason why I didn't give it a 5 Star rating has to do with a certain aspect of the story that I had problem.
Loosely inspired by the legend of Camelot, Dark Sexy Knight tells the story of dinner theater knight Colt Lane, who meets down-on-her-luck Verity Gwynn on the worst day of her life. Evicted from their home, Verity and her special-needs brother, Ryan, must find jobs or risk being separated. Colt, who is the furthest-possible thing from a white knight in real life, comes to their unlikely rescue, quickly cementing his place in Verity's heart.
Colt has dark, deeply buried secrets that keep his smile hidden and his eyes down, which has kept people away . . . until he meets Verity, who seems immune to his gruff manners and taciturn ways. The more time Colt spends with her, the more he longs for her sweetness in his life and yearns to be the knight in shining armor she so desperately needs. Certain he will lose her if she learns the truth about his past, he must decide if he can trust her with his yesterday in order to build a beautiful tomorrow.
**Contemporary Romance. Due to profanity, mild violence and very strong sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.**
All novels in the ~a modern fairytale~ collection are written as fundraisers.
AMAZON http://amzn.to/29cy5Yn

This story is sweet and fast paced with two lovable characters!I love fairytales and it's nice how this author develops her stories with these Modern fairytales!Colt is amazing,even though he tried to not be good,he couldn't because he is such a good man.He is protective,sweet and he cares a lot for the people he loves!Verity is so adorable and compassionate I loved her and her brother.Colt and Verity are perfect together!Sweet,lovable,intense,passionate and hot!
I can't wait to read all the books of these series!!!
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