Librarian turned sorcerer. Sorcerer turned hero. Hero turned puppet.
The Solaris Empire found victory in the North and, at the cost of her heart and her innocence, Vhalla Yarl has earned her freedom. But the true fight is only beginning as the secret forces that have been lurking in the shadows, tugging at the strings of Vhalla’s fate, finally come to light. Nowhere is safe, and Vhalla must tread carefully or else she’ll fall into the waiting arms of her greatest foe. Or former lover.

Elise Kova has always had a passion for storytelling. She wrote her first novella, a high-fantasy, in sixth grade. Over the years she’s honed her love of literature with everything from fantasy to romance, science fiction to mystery, and whatever else catches her eye.
Elise lives in Saint Petersburg, Florida, where she’s currently working on the next installment in her debut YA fantasy series: Air Awakens. She enjoys video games, anime, table-top role playing games, and many other forms of “geekdom.” She loves talking with fans onTwitter (@EliseKova) and Facebook.
"Believe in me!" Aldrick's voice rose by a fraction before softening.
"I have crawled out of deeper holes this past year. Believe I can do this, because if you will be by my side, I will let nothing stop me."

I can't believe I've just finished reading the fourth book in this series. I read the first book last year, and ever since I started its been a continuous roller coaster of emotions. Vhalla Yarl has matured so much throughout this entire series, from being the shy librarian to becoming the fiery Windwalker fit to be Queen. I honestly feel like I've been through everything with her.
And Prince Aldrik, I won't even try to make you believe that I could ever lose faith in him. I've been shouting from the sidelines I've always been on his side of the court even when he was acting like a fool. Gah! I just can't!
"How many times would she follow the prince into darkness, trusting his light to guide her?"
As an avid read and I'm sure any will agree with me on this, when you really get into a series there's always that nagging worry... will the next book surpassed or pale in comparison to the previous one. This series has systematically gotten better and better with every new book that was released. I pride myself on figuring out the twists in a series. But I haven't been able to figure this one out. You might think you know where the story is going but then all of a sudden plot twist! And I do mean plot twist!
The most important thing to me while reading this series has always been the survival of Vhalla and Aldrick's love, and let me say this: there is no getting bored with Vhalla and Aldrick. I hope I'm not being too vague but I feel like anything I say will be a spoiler right now. There were some incidents that really gutted me while reading Water's Wrath and I'm still trying to recover. There's so much loss in this book yet there's also a lot of survival and perseverance.
"Vhalla, you are the dawn at the end of a seemingly endless night, and I never showed you enough appreciation for the essential part of my life that you are."
Be prepared to have your heart ripped out and then stomped on, then stitched back together and stuck back into your chest. If you've read the previous books let me tell you that there is no amount of preparation that could ever prepare for what is about to happen. I'm just thinking about the next book now, I'm thinking there has to be a sixth book. Too much needs to happen before I can be satisfied!
"I wish I could hate you, you frustrating man," she breathed hopelessly.
"And I wish I could stop loving you, my frustrating woman, he laughed.
ARC kindly provided by author in return for an honest review
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