Exclusive Interview with R.S. Grey

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

First of all I have to say how much I loved Rachel, she is so adorable !I have read all her books and I loved them all because they are hilarious, captivating, sweet and unique!

Do you listen to music when you write? And if yes, do you prefer a particular type? 

Always! I always listen to music while I write. I keep a playlist on Spotify for each book and I add to it as a I write. I don’t have a particular type, but usually I like to listen to mellow, acoustic music.
2 Tell us a little bit about your new project.

Me: I have to tell you, I am so excited and I can't wait to read it!

I am currently working on something extremely different than my last few books. Chasing Spring is a book that I’ve rewritten countless times over the last two years. I’ve been in love with the story from the very start and I’m so excited to share it with my readers early next year.
3 What are the last five books you have read?
I’m currently reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. Before that, I finished The Andy Cohen Diaries by Andy Cohen. And early this fall, I read Hyberpole and a Half by Allie Brosh. Is three good enough? I’m a slow reader these days, hah!
4 What did you have to sacrifice to write? 
Reading. It wouldn’t be out of the norm for me to read three or four books a week a few years ago, but these days, I find it harder to lose myself in fiction. I attribute that to writing. Usually, I’ll catch myself breaking down sentences or critiquing aspects of the story instead of just letting myself enjoy it.
5 What do you find to be the most challenging thing about writing?
Writing that first draft. I can rewrite and rip apart my stories, but the hard part is sitting down in the very beginning and getting those first few words down on paper. It takes a lot of courage and a lot of self-motivation.
6 What do you think makes a good story?
Compelling, interesting characters.
7 Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
I always write best in the early morning. I’ll wake up, grab some coffee and sit down to focus. (Always with music playing!) By around lunchtime, I’ll need a break. That’s when I jump on facebook or Instagram.
8 What made you fall in love with writing?
I don’t know that I’m in love with writing even now. It’s something that brings me insane amounts of joy, but I also absolutely despise it. When I’m working on a project, it tends to steal my life. I feel guilty if I’m not working on it and I usually can’t take a real, honest break until I’ve sent the book off to my editor. Writing has woven itself into my life so much that if I don’t write for a few days, I tend to become slightly irritable. It’s a strange concept, to love and hate something equally.

Here is my reviews :

Behind His Lens http://bit.ly/1NZuDzJ
With This Heart http://bit.ly/1l2OgLN
The Design http://bit.ly/1KybJLZ
Scoring Wilder http://bit.ly/1HTkiV4
The Allure of Julian Lefray http://bit.ly/1HqajEi
The Allure of Dean Harper http://bit.ly/1iEMFKY
The Duet http://bit.ly/1SAdV9n

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