Escaping Destiny Blog Tour, Review, Interview and Giveaway

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Title: Escaping Destiny ( The Fae Chronicles #3)
Author: Amelia Hutchins
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publication: February 17, 2014
Hosted by: For The Love of Books


I thought things couldn't get worse. I was wrong.
I found out what I really wanted and was forced to give him up. Just as I found out who I really am, I was presented to the elusive Horde King as a gift.
This was the mystical being I was hidden from for more than twenty years.
Although Ryder promised to save me, I couldn't let him get near this creature, so I willingly (sort of) signed myself over to be his new plaything.
Now in the Horde Realm, nothing is going remotely like I thought it would.
My powers and emotions are on the fritz, and each day seems to bring surprises that I am not sure how to deal with.
The Horde King thinks he has me exactly where he wants me.
He thinks he has taken all of my options away.
I still have choices.
Embracing what destiny has planned for me, or escaping it.


 My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Look Inside The Beast Stars!!!

Every beauty needed a beast, and he was mine. The 3rd installment in The Fae Chronicles, was hot, action packed and chocka-blocked full of my favourite fairy Ryder! After the mother of all cliffys at the end of Taunting Destiny I was in a state of near panic! The first couple of pages into Escaping Destiny and I was swearing like a sailor and just about to start balling like a baby!!! This was quite possibly the best intro I have ever read!

A lot of issues are cleared up in Escaping Destiny, which is why I feel like it's one of those necessary books. It was quite enjoyable but to be honest it paled in comparison to the first two books. Our characters Syn and Ryder are multi-faceted and we see one of those sides. Syn is still strong, obstinate and her personality compliments Ryder perfectly.

We're shown a different side of Ryder, have no fear he's still the original alpha male, but he's also caring, willing to compromise to be able to keep the woman he loves in his life. This was awesome but I do prefer douche nugget Ryder.

The children of faerie are dying, and Syn is part of the key to their salvation. There is also a powerful enemy that is hell bent on destroying faerie and it's people. We're given an incredible amount of information in this book, but again it was necessary.

Ryder and Syn's relationship blossomed and matured in this book, and seeing that this is PNR, I felt that it was surprisingly realistic. I have very high hopes for the next book, Seducing Destiny. Amelia Hutchins has a way with words, she grabs the readers attention doesn't let go till the end, and even then she leaves you wanting more!

View all my reviews

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About the Author
Amelia lives in the great Pacific Northeast with her family. When not writing she can be found on her page Erotica Book Club, where she help's other indie authors meet fans. She's an avid reader of everything paranormal.

Author Interview:

1.  Where do you get your inspiration to write books from? I have a huge imagination, and the fans had a huge part in helping me get into it.
2. How many hours do you work a day on your writing? It’s very random. I write when I can, but I am also a mom so it’s mostly when the kids are behaving or in bed.
3. What do you consider to be your best accomplishment? Pushing publish on Fighting Destiny.
4. Who inspired you to start writing? My grandmother. She used to tell me stories, and eventually she had me create my own, and it stuck with me.
5. Did you always want to be a writer? I did, but life happened and I went to medical school, and after my last child was born I figured why not me? So I set out to write, and since the Chronicles had been growling in my head and was demanding to be written, I gave it a shot.
6. How have your personal experiences affected your writing?  They don’t. I try to keep myself out of the books. Obviously it didn’t happen completely. Synthia has my love of coffee, nail polish, and music…but other than that, I keep it fictional.
7.  What genre of books do you like to read? Paranormal Romance, and Dystopian.
8. Do you limit yourself to only the genre that you write yourself?  No, I read anything with words. I’m addicted to reading, but writing doesn’t give me a lot of time for it anymore.

Thanks for having me on the blog! 

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  1. So I love these books, but I haven't read this one yet b/c I was waiting to hear if it ended in another cliffhanger like the last one!! So does it, LOL?

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    1. Sorry for the delayed reply Jessica! All three books in the series have cliffy endings, but their good cliffy's ;)


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